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12+ years anniversary of Apeiron

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12+ Years anniversary

In the autumn of 2019 Apeiron turned 10! We had a party and decided to expand the celebration modus to a weekend. However… finding ‘the perfect spot’ for the group took some a bit more time than expected. So, we decided to celebrate the 12th year existence instead of 10. After several rounds of rescheduling, we were finally able to organize our weekend in May 2022. It must be said, we did find the perfect location!

We choose for Blauwpoort, located in Heuvelland in West-Vlaanderen. As it is rightfully mentioned on their website, a location which is 100% WOW, 100% enjoyment, 100% respect for heritage and design. You enter a small world, separated from the outside. Ideal for a weekend with the team.

We were not even 10 minutes there or swimming suits had to be located with the well-known consequences. The ‘adults’ thought it was too cold but that could not hold back their offspring 🙂 . We ended the first evening with a relaxing bbq, good music and some bubbles.

On Saturday we started the day with some yoga. Even the smallest among us were able to join (at least for 5 minutes…). We all agreed… we don’t do that on a daily basis but found it to be truly relaxing to start the day.

After that we went for a picknick in het Heuvelland, followed by boerengolf and a ride on the ‘well-known’ (at least in West-Vlaanderen) kabelbaan Cordoba along the fields of the winery Entre-Deux-Monts.

The ‘boerengolf'(farmergolf) brought out the best in us! Lively discussions were held to deliberate who actually was able to reach the hole with the least strikes… And although it does not look like it on the pictures, it was really quite hot. We have Tom’s unique ‘hat’ as actual proof.

Sunday morning was Mother’s day in Belgium so all mothers (and women in the team in general 😊) were treated with some flowers and a nice breakfast prepared by the men and little ones.

We then went on our way for a course in cheese making at the Plassendale cheese factory after which we ended the weekend back at Blauwpoort for another final dive in the pond.

On to the next anniversary!

We decided already that we will NOT wait another 10 years for a new weekend. Getting to know the colleagues better, seeing how our children connect without ‘really’ knowing each other, it is just fun, relax, rewarding and up for a re-take!

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