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Our Services

Sustainable Chemicals Management is what we do

We provide strategic and advocacy support, and are the scientists you need for your regulatory dossiers. Our out-of-the-box solutions provide answers to your product stewardship challenges. We help develop your circular business flows and improve your sustainability.

We are a team of highly motivated people with complementary backgrounds, such as engineers with over 20 years of industrial experience, doctors in (eco) toxicology or chemistry and economists.


Looking for ways to change away from our today’s throwaway society, Circular Economy is a more regenerative approach focused on re-using material in order to slow down depletion of our natural resources. In the Circular Economy, waste becomes a resource.

Research shows that such an approach could boost Europe’s resource productivity by 3 percent by 2030, generating cost savings of €600 billion a year. Find out how Apeiron-Team can assist you in becoming more “sustainable”…

  • Good Health and Well-being
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Partnerships


We provide the strategic, scientific and regulatory support that is required for the implementation of your REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction) and CLP obligations.

Apeiron-Team can guide you through all REACH processes with the required knowledge, expertise and industrial experience. We support you in the compliance with the regulation and help you to achieve a sustainable use of chemicals.

  • Data Gathering
  • Data
  • Report Generation
  • Report Submission


From active substance approval to product authorisations… We offer the strategic and regulatory insights and scientific knowledge required to support the implementation of your Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR) obligations. 


Apeiron-Team is your partner for your BRP obligations on national and European level.

  • Data Gathering
  • Data
  • Report Generation
  • Report Submission


There are many reasons to investigate the compliance of a chemicals portfolio. Apeiron-Team can support you in a due diligence process to make such an assessment.

Be it for REACH regulations or Brexit preparation of Biocides, we can establish the compliance level of chemicals portfolio of your company. We use audit protocols based on standard templates and our years of experience implementing these legislations.

  • Document
  • Audit
  • Improve
  • Compliance


Regulations, industry, consumers and citizens are not isolated boxes. Optimal solutions are obtained taking them all into account.

Apeiron-Team integrates their knowledge on the regulations, the toxicology, industrial experience and sense of business to come to out-of-the-box solutions. Our passion and creativity allows us to explore new options for pragmatic and compliant solutions.

  • Start from the box
  • Question the boundaries
  • Creative ideas
  • Out-of-the-box solutions


Brexit is a fact! Regardless whether you are based in the UK or in the EU, your chemical business will be impacted when doing business across the border. Ensure to be prepared!


By mapping out the relevant supply chains in combination to the applicable regulations (BPR, REACH, CLP,…) the necessary actions are established. Once this is ready we help you prepare for the practical execution of your project on both the EU as the UK side.

  • Supply chain
  • Strategy
  • Chemicals
  • Biocides


Let us guide you through our experiences.


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